Fairy Type Card Listing


requires the launcher to be fairy type, 100 % success
The launcher's type level is modified by 1
has a passive effect in the hand (+1 power on fairy launched attacks, )
(fairy, type, passive effect)


100 % success
the target has a 100 % chance of becoming +1 in confusion, for up to 1 turns
(fairy, mouth, sound, status, offensive)


100 % success
the target has a 100 % chance of becoming -1 in physical attack, -1 in physical defense, for up to 4 turns
(fairy, contact, hand, stat, offensive)


100 % success
the target has a 100 % chance of becoming -1 in special attack, -1 in special defense, for up to 4 turns
(fairy, mouth, stat, offensive)

elixir of bravery:

has a level 1 critical failiure, 100 % success
the launcher has a 100 % chance of becoming -1 in fear, for up to 4 turns
(fairy, elixir, status)

fair compensation:

works as a reaction against a physical card, 100 % success
the launcher has a 100 % chance to take 1 card from their deck
The target gets 1 fair compensation cards in their hand
(fairy, reaction, manipulation, offensive)

honorable compensation:

works as a reaction against a type card, follows the number of   cards in the target's hand
100 % success
the launcher has a 100 % chance to put 1 card into their discard pile
the target has a 100 % chance to take 1 card from their deck
the launcher has a 100 % chance to take 1 card in the target's hand
(fairy, reaction, manipulation, offensive)


100 % success
the launcher has a 100 % chance to take 1 card mirror from their deck
(fairy, manipulation)

musical note:

works as a reaction against a sound card, 100 % success
The launcher gets 2 musical note cards in their hand
(fairy, sound, reaction)

finger snap:

60 % success
the target has a 100 % chance of switching his type
(fairy, sound, hand, double try, offensive, type)

light symbol

100 % success
The launcher gets 2 light symbol cards in their hand
has a passive effect in the hand
(+1 power on major symbol launched attacks, +2 power on major symbol received attacks)
(fairy, minor symbol, passive effect)

immunity against dragon:

works as a parry against a "dragon" card
requires the launcher to be "fairy" type, 85 % success
 The launcher gets 1 "immunity against dragon" cards in their hand, The launcher can't draw during 1 turns,
(fairy, parry)

fairy aura:

level 1
100 % success
the launcher has a 100 % chance of becoming -2 in curse, for up to 8 turns
(fairy, status)

audio power:

level 1
100 % success
the launcher has a 100 % chance to take 1 card sound from their deck
(fairy, manipulation)


level 1
100 % success
the target has a 100 % chance of becoming -2 in physical attack, for up to 4 turns
(fairy, stat, offensive)

play rough:

level 1
4 physical power, 100 % success
the target has a 30 % chance of becoming +1 in confusion, for up to 1 turns
(fairy, contact, physical, offensive)

seven-league boot:

level 1
requires the launcher to be fairy type, 100 % success
the launcher has a 100 % chance of becoming -2 in success, +2 in critical failure, for up to 7 turns
The launcher's type level is modified by 7
The launcher can't change types during 7 turns
(fairy, foot, type, prohibition, stat)

truth mirror:

level 1
works as a parry against a dark card, follows the number of dark cards in the target's hand
2 magical power, 100 % success
(fairy, mirror, parry, magical, offensive)

fair play whistle:

level 1
works as a parry against a multi-hit card, 60 % success
the target has a 100 % chance to put 1 card multi-hit into their exile
(fairy, parry, double try, sound, manipulation, offensive)

magical shield:

level 1
works as a parry against a ghost card
8 magical power, 100 % success
the target has a 50 % chance of becoming -1 in special defense, for up to 2 turns
has a passive effect in the hand (+1 power on weapon launched attacks, -1 power on ray received attacks)
(fairy, weapon, shield, parry, magical, offensive, passive effect)

healing touch:

Level 1, can only target an ally
100 % success
 adds 20 health points to the target,
(fairy, hand, contact, support)

magic armor:

level 2
100 % success
the launcher has a 100 % chance of becoming +2 in special defense, for up to 8 turns
(fairy, stat)

audio therapy:

level 2
works following the number of sound cards in the launcher's hand, 100 % success
adds 3 health points to the launcher
(fairy, sound)

magical flute:

level 2
100 % success
the launcher has a 100 % chance of becoming -1 in confusion, -2 in sleep, for up to 3 turns
The launcher gets 1 musical note cards in their hand
(fairy, sound, status)

sweet kiss:

level 3
100 % success
the target has a 100 % chance of becoming +1 in confusion, for up to 4 turns
(fairy, mouth, contact, status, offensive)

magic sword:

level 3
5 physical power, has a level 1 critical hit, 100 % success
the launcher has a 5 % chance of becoming +1 in physical attack, for up to 4 turns
(fairy, weapon, sword, physical, offensive)

peace treaty:

level 3
80 % success
the launcher has a 100 % chance to put 10 card offensive into their discard pile
the target has a 100 % chance to put 10 card offensive into their discard pile
The launcher can't draw during 2 turns
The target can't draw during 2 turns
(fairy, manipulation, offensive, prohibition)

fairy song:

level 3
3 magical power, 100 % success
the target has a 15 % chance of becoming +1 in confusion, for up to 1 turns
the launcher has a 100 % chance to take 1 card musical note from their exile
(fairy, sound, mouth, magical, offensive, manipulation)

light arrow:

level 3
4 magical power, has a level 6 critical hit, 100 % success
(fairy, arrow, magical, offensive)

stimulating music:

Level 3, can only target an ally
100 % success
 the target has a 100 % chance to take 1 card from their deck,
(fairy, sound, manipulation, support)


Level 3, can only target an ally
100 % success
 The target's type level is modified by 4,
(fairy, type, support)

hands off:

level 4
80 % success
the target has a 100 % chance to put 2 card hand into their exile
(fairy, manipulation, offensive)

environmental shelter:

level 4
90 % success
the target has a 100 % chance to put 2 card environment into their exile
(fairy, manipulation, offensive)


level 4
100 % success
the target has a 100 % chance to put 1 card offensive into their discard pile
(fairy, manipulation, offensive)

fairy wind:

level 4
5 magical power, 100 % success
(fairy, wind, magical, offensive)


level 5
100 % success
the launcher has a 100 % chance to take 2 card powder from their deck
(fairy, manipulation)

blue blood:

level 5
works following the number of bleeding cards in the launcher's hand, 100 % success
the launcher has a 100 % chance of becoming +1 in physical attack, for up to 1 turns
the launcher has a 100 % chance of becoming -1 in fear, for up to 4 turns
the launcher has a 100 % chance to put 1 card bleeding into their exile
(fairy, blood, stat, status, manipulation)

power word:

Level 5, can only target an ally
100 % success
 the target has a 100 % chance of becoming +2 in special attack, +2 in special defense, for about 8 turns,
(fairy, mouth, sound, stat, support)

light word:

Level 5, can only target an ally
100 % success
 the target has a 100 % chance of becoming -2 in confusion, -4 in curse, -2 in paralysis, for about 4 turns,
(fairy, mouth, sound, status, support)

draining kiss:

level 6
5 magical power, 100 % success
the launcher regains 75 % of the damages caused to the target
the target has a 20 % chance of becoming -1 in physical attack, -1 in special attack, for up to 2 turns
the target has a 50 % chance of becoming +1 in confusion, for up to 1 turns
(fairy, mouth, contact, magical, offensive, absorption)


level 6
100 % success
The launcher takes the bard posture
(+3 power on sound launched attacks, +1 power on mouth launched attacks, -4 power on physical launched attacks, +3 power on weapon received attacks, +2 power on physical received attacks, -2 power on sound received attacks)
(fairy, posture)


Level 6
follows the number of weapon cards in the target's hand, 80 % success
the target has a 100 % chance to put 1 card weapon into their discard pile
(fairy, manipulation, offensive)

dazzling gleam:

level 8
8 magical power, 100 % success
the target has a 50 % chance of becoming -2 in success, for up to 2 turns
(fairy, magical, offensive)

fairy sonata:

level 9
7 magical power, 85 % success
the launcher has a 40 % chance of becoming +1 in special attack, for up to 2 turns
The launcher gets 1 musical note cards in their hand
(fairy, sound, magical, offensive)

disquieting dream:

level 10
works following the target's sleep status, 100 % success
the target has a 100 % chance of becoming +1 in confusion, for up to 4 turns
(fairy, status, offensive)

magical banquet:

Level 10, can only target an ally
100 % success
 the target has a 100 % chance of becoming -1 in poison, -2 in sleep, for about 4 turns, The target gets 1 "hero elixir" cards in their hand,
(fairy, status, support)


level 11
90 % success
the target has a 100 % chance of becoming +2 in sleep, for up to 2 turns
(fairy, mouth, sound, status, offensive)

magical exchange:

level 13
follows the number of magical cards in the target's hand, 80 % success
the launcher has a 100 % chance to take 1 card magical in the target's deck, The target gets 1 fair compensation cards in their hand
(fairy, manipulation, offensive)

magical explosion:

level 12
15 magical power, 100 % success
the launcher has a 100 % chance of becoming -2 in special attack, -2 in special defense, for up to 4 turns
the target has a 80 % chance of becoming -2 in success, for up to 4 turns
(fairy, explosion, magical, offensive, stat)

siren song:

level 14
8 magical power, 95 % success
the launcher has a 100 % chance to take 2 card musical note from their exile
The target can't draw during 1 turns
(fairy, sound, mouth, magical, offensive, prohibition, manipulation)

environmental punishment:

level 15
follows the number of environment cards in the target's exile, 10 magical power, 100 % success
(fairy, magical, offensive)

hero of the century:

Level 15, can only target an ally
100 % success
 The target gets 1 "legendary sword" cards in their hand,
(fairy, support)

unicorn tackle:

level 20
20 physical power, has a level 1 critical hit, 90 % success
the launcher suffers 40 % of the damages caused to the target
the target has a 50 % chance of becoming +2 in confusion, for up to 1 turns
(fairy, tackle, contact, physical, offensive)

magical score:

level 22
works following the number of musical note cards in the launcher's hand, 100 % success
The launcher gets 1 musical note cards in their hand

symphony of the forest:

level 28
works following the number of musical note cards in the launcher's hand
4 magical power, 90 % success
the launcher has a 100 % chance to put 1 card musical note into their exile
(fairy, sound, magical, offensive, manipulation)

transfer symbol

Level 30
works following the number of minor symbol cards in the launcher's hand
100 % success
The target has a 100 % chance to take 1 card minor symbol in the launcher's hand
(fairy, major symbol, manipulation, offensive)